Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jane Orie raised your taxes 420%!!!!!!

Unless you live in Ross Township.

According to Orie logic, Ross Township Commissioner Dan DeMarco voted to raise taxes 150%.  Thanks to North Pittsburgh Politics, this was the occupation tax.

Using Orie logic, she voted to raise this tax 420% for just about all of us as most municipalities couldn't wait to raise this tax.  This includes the Republican McCandless Town Council where both she and I live.

The tax increase was originally intended to help the City of Pittsburgh, but instead of just applying it to Pittsburgh, Jane Orie voted to increase the tax state wide.  My wife and I do not work in Pittsburgh, and yet she raised our tax 420%.

Dan DeMarco could have taken the full $52 as well in Ross Township, but they only took what they felt they needed and left $27 on the table.  Would it be a stretch of Orie logic to claim that  Dan DeMarco actually cut the tax by 52% from $52 to $25?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Keith Rothfus wants to defund Supreme Court decisions he disagrees with

In case you had not heard...

Add this to the current list:
  • Wants to repeal health care reform rather than fix it.  This means that we all lose out on the benefits that some are already enjoying.
  • Doesn't believe global warning is real.
  • Criticized the stimulus bill, because it should have cut taxes instead.  I guess he didn't realize that a significant portion of the stimulus bill was a tax cut.
The list of wackiness is starting to grow.  I can't imagine what else he is hiding.

North Pittsburgh Politics: Jane Orie/Dan DeMarco mail wars

North Pittsburgh Politics wrote a great series of posts on Jane Orie's mailings that have been cluttering our mail boxes since September along with Dan DeMarco's responses:

Sen. Jane Orie's shameful mailing
Jane Orie's Fantasy World
Will these mailers convince you that Jane Orie didn't abuse tax payer's money?
Dan DeMarco Mailers
Rest of Jane Orie mailers so far
Why did Jane Orie get indicted? Hmmm
Dan DeMarco Mailers

You can certainly see a pattern in Jane Orie's mailers.  As time goes on, she goes further and further off the deep end.  I can't wait to check my mail for the next one.  The Zapalla's are out to get her!  She is fighting the "Good Old Boy" network!  Never mind that you don't get to be Senate Majority Whip unless you are one of those "Good Old Boys" that you are allegedly fighting against.

The only reason that Zapalla brought the charges is because, unlike Attorney General Corbett, he was doing his job.  The whistle blower went to Corbett's office first and his office blew her off.  It also wasn't like Zapalla did it on his own.  He convened two Grand Juries that brought the charges to her and her family (Supreme Court Justice Joan Orie Melvin may be getting indicted as well.).  I guess the Grand Juries are out to get Orie as well.

I have met Dan DeMarco and he is everything in person that his mailers show.  He is very personable and sincere.  He will be a fine State Senator.

The choice on November 2nd between Dan DeMarco's sincerity and Jane Orie's insanity is a pretty easy one.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Post-Gazette Endorses Jason Altmire

4th U.S. House: Altmire is the better choice for Congress

It is a pretty normal endorsement, but a few things stood out to me:
  • "He favors repeal of the federal health insurance law, calling it unconstitutional and unprecedented in expanding government power."  Jason Altmire didn't vote for the law as well, but is taking the common sense approach that we need to fix what is wrong with it rather than just repeal it and replace it with nothing.  If Rothfus had said something similar rather than just parroting the Republican talking point, I might have taken him seriously.  Rothfus is also forgetting to mention that the health care law was based more on Republican ideas and proposals than "Government Run Healthcare" that progressives would have preferred.  As with many, many Republican ideas like Cap and Trade, if Obama supports it, it is suddenly socialist and evil.
  • "He called the $787 billion stimulus "an abject failure" and said Congress should have cut taxes to stimulate growth." A large portion of the stimulus was a tax cut that we all enjoyed. Keith Rothfus didn't know this?  The problem with the tax cut was that we got it through reduced withholding taxes rather than wasting our tax dollars like Bush did by sending out physical checks, so no one noticed.  Most economics also agree that the stimulus also prevented a depression.
  • "Mr. Rothfus is not convinced that human activity is causing climate change." So he is a climate change denier as well. He is probably also in support of global warming as well, because it is opening up shipping lanes through the Arctic Circle.

    I met Mr. Rothfus and he is a nice enough person.  The problem is that he is nice, and will simply be John Boehner's lap dog (I picture him as a little white terrier.).  He will be a reliable 100% yes vote for the Republican agenda with little ability to make a difference.  His campaign is a boilerplate Republican campaign that Melissa Hart used twice and lost.  He brings nothing new to the table, and simply echos the Republican talking points.  Has he said anything original?

    If you want someone who will vote 100% of the time for the Republican agenda even if his district is against the Republican policies that will increase the deficit by trillions of dollars go ahead and vote for Keith Rothfus.

    Friday, October 8, 2010

    Thank you Supreme Court

    I was just watching the late night news. There were over the top commercials from the Club For Growth and two from the US Chamber of Commerce. These were funded by god knows who from god knows where.

    Send a message to these organizations that your vote can not be bought and do not support their candidates!